Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, Unsettling Day

That's right, this day has been a yucky day if judging it by the weather.  I did get in a few laps with Lori.  I sort of was yucky myself.  Guess the yuckiness was catching.  But, our weather has calmed down... still a little rain. I also perked up some.  We did have a break for a few minutes and God did his job.  He gave us an awesome sunset.  Only lasted moments.  Thank goodness Tim saw it coming, so it gave me time to capture it.  Because of the yuckies, I was in most of the day.  The wind rocked our coach and the rain gave it a drenching bath.  Now, peace is upon us.  Hoping my family and friends in NC stay safe.  Watching the weather on TV, it seems to be traveling in their direction.  Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny.  After today, it will be very appreciated. 

Went to Orange Beach on Sunday...Great day.  Monday was ice cream social...that's always fun.  Tuesday, craft day.  Worked on my beaded banner.  Completed one.  Started another, got home , then realized I used wrong beads.  So this morning I removed all 4 rows.  Hopefully I will start it over in the morning. 
One more month here in Summerdale AL, then it's off to Brunswick GA for a week. After that a few days are planned to be spent in Charleston SC.  North Carolina will be calling my name any time after March 9.   

Think that does it for us. Y'all take care.   Love to each of you!!! 

Wanted to through out a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to Geoff...son in law, love you babe,and Tim J...adopted son and good friend, love you too babe.  Miss you both!!!
Geoff, try to stay warm in Barrow Alaska.

                                               Young fellow feeding the seagulls dinner

                                                      My new cute lamp I got in Ohio
                                                               Cleo seems to like it

                                                        Beginning of tonight's sunset
                                                                From the above image
                                                          To this amazing masterpiece
                                                            In only a matter of minutes

Life is good
God is great
Nite all

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