Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, Good Day

I'm back.  Right on track.  Will share my day...again a little cleaning, laundry, walking, visiting, and chatting with two of my sisters, Jeannie...I talked her leg off, and Tina...not so much, I was highlighting Pat's hair.  I returned her call and she was busy.  Called answer.  I know it will happen soon.  I had another first.  Highlighting!!!  Never thought I would ever do this.  But I did and not a bad job for my first time.  I was sooooo nervous.  Really did not want to mess up Pat's hair.  She kept saying not to worry, it would be fine.  Not perfect but not bad.  She said she liked it.

After lunch I watched one of Sandra Bulllock's old movies...Hope Floats.  Loved it.  Love her bunches.  Also continued with the laundry.  Then dinner rolled around.  We had veggi burgers, mashed taters and brussel sprouts.  There was a cruise in at a business, Steele Rubber, down the road from our campground.  So Tim wanted to ride over.  We did, were there about five minutes, the sky turned black...nothing new as of late, and almost all the cars started packing up and headed home.  Boo Hoo.  We continued walking around and checking out the cars that remained.  That took about another five minutes.  The rains never came.  After returning home I sat out and watched the boats and birds.  I'm waiting on the sunset.  Lots of darkness in the western skies.  But if I'm lucky, you will also be lucky.  Tim worked today, so he just wanted to go in, shower and unwind.  So he did, and now he is sawing logs.

This is our day.  Hope your day has been full of joy also.

                                                                Pat at the park salon
                                                                       Finished new do
                                                        Maybe not like a pro, but not bad
                                                           Ok I won't give up my day job

                                                      Steele Rubber Cruise In

                                     Tim's buddy Jack H.'s 1970 Chevy Impala Convertible
                                                              Al Capone's type car
                                                         Love those giant cool headlights
                                             I think this could be my next birthday present
                                     How bout it Tim or Jacki or Charlotte or anyone out there
                                                                        1960 vette ......
                                                            Not totally sure of year
                                                      It does have double headlights
                                                                              Rat rod
                                                              What a cool smiley face
                                                                     Beginning sunset
                                                                         Minutes later
                                                                  The best for tonight
                                                        The clouds just took over the sky

Life is good
God is Love
Nite all

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