Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, Apology Day

Good afternoon to all my loving family and friends out there in this huge wonderful world.  Tim, Cleo and I are absolutely great!  I have been getting texts, emails, and blog comments asking about us.  I am sooooo very sorry about neglecting my blog and everyone else.  I was a little busy over the 4th weekend.  I was serving breakfast at the park for all the campers.  Didn't get back to my coach till almost noon.  That lasted Thursday thru Sunday.  Guess I could go on about my time.  You know, the rain here has left me with the blahs at times.  Don't think we have been without rain any day for at least three weeks.  It's been a killer time.  Don't really want to complain, we need rain, and  I know I have said this before...rain has been the worse enemy I have in this new lifestyle.  Although its been a year and a half, rain just is not my friend.  Don't think it ever will be.  No excuses though, guess I would have to say simply neglect.  I've done this before and y'all send me wake up calls.  That helps me get back on track.  Soooo sorry if I made you worry about us.  Hopefully it was wondering and not worrying.  I promise to do better.  You know, sometimes there just isn't anything to share.  I sometimes think I have nothing interesting going on in my life that anyone would want to read about.  I will try to keep in touch better, even if it is BORING.

So here I go, this morning Pat, Drew and I went to the Mooresville Soup Kitchen to give back a little.     Pat and Drew are workampers here at the park with us.  They are our new friends.  I know I have talked about them before.  Drew has a bike and not a car, Pat has a Smat car...2 seater and Tim had plans for the jeep.  And remember me talking about the rain.  Ok, Drew did get wet.  Everyday it rains.  But right now I am happy talking with y'all.  I'm sitting out in the sticky, humid, dampness feeling blessed to have family and friends like each of you.  Thanks for caring!

We did have a nice dinner out with Jacki and Geoff  the other night.  We ate at the Boathouse by the lake. 

I have no beautiful or even not so beautiful sunset images to share...yes, because of the rain and clouds.  I did capture a view of the sun peeking through some clouds I will share.  And what do I hear at this very moment, raindrops tapping on the awning above my head.  I will be ok if the wind doesn't blow those crazy wet drops my way.

I will share a wonderful happening.  Y'all know Tim is lawn maintenance here at the campground, three days a week.  In between the showers, the sun beats down and fries everyone and everything below it.  It has been rough on Tim.  Very rough.  So after a dr visit, and the drs request, bless his heart, Tim is no longer the lawn man.  Now he is just maintenance.  It will be much easier for this 70 year old fella.  The Lord will provide.

I will close for now and find some photos to share.  I appreciate all y'all's love.  And I will give my love for you right back at you.

                                                     A little brightness before the dark
                                                               Beauty is everywhere

                                  Toby, my mockingbird entertaining me with song and dance
                                                        Not a clear image of Toby, sorry
                                   Drew and friend Tina and her BMW convertible, hard top
                                                      Awesome watching it go down
                                               Remember, doesn't take much to amuse me
                                                       Pat doesn't let anyone outdo her
                                                       Putting down her Smart car top
                                                       These guys are on work duty
                                                      Does this really look like work
                                                               That's Tom and Tim
                                    So much rain, the Cowans Ford Dam had to open one gate
                                         The night before this photo, Pat saw all gates open
                                                      and water going over the top
                                                 I told you we have had sooooo much rain
                                            Taking a walk one morning between showers
                                                                    Looking for beauty
                                                Great Blue Heron searching for breakfast
                                                           A weed is also beautiful

                                                            Saving the best for last
                                                        Somebody doesn't look happy
                                                                   Trace and Gus
                                                    Great grandbabies out for a wagon ride

                                             Slow down Gus, you are growing up way too fast

That's it for now y'all
Have a great evening everyone
Love y'all bunches
Miss you even more

Life is good
God is Love


                                                                      Tonight's Sunset

                                                                            My fav
                                                          Last shot few minutes later

                                            A couple beautiful images of the eastern skies
                                                         Sorry the last one doubled
                                                                    Can't explain it
                                                         Maybe cause it's double cool

                                                  Sleep tight y'all, don't let the bed bugs bite
                                                               Yuck, not funny anymore

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