Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, I'm Back

Well hello to all my family and friends out there.  I'm back from Ohio.  I had a marvelous time.  It was so wonderful being with Danny, my little bro.  Two years is way tooooooo long to be apart.  We stayed with Charlotte and as Danny put it, her house is just like being home.  I usually try to go back to Ohio a couple times a year.  Being with Beth and Joe was also great.  It really was so much loving fun being with one of my sisters and both brothers.  We spent quality time with Dad.  His 89th birthday was celebrated at Marion's Pizza in Dayton with all his babies there.  No matter how old we are, we are still Dad's sweet babies.  I think the last time we were all together was on Father's Day 2009 or 2010.   Way too long ago.

The other biggy event that happened while I was in Ohio that was biting cold when I was there.  Three letters  GUS!!!!!!!  My great grandbaby.  Gus is now 5 months old.  He is absolutely a masterpiece!  Laughs all the time. He is precious.  And of course there is Trace.  Unfortunately Trace was sick while I was there.  I was able to be with him a couple times.  And loved every minute of it.  Trace is 20 months old and he is so funny.  He does not like his picture taken.  Will turn his head every time.  Love him and Gus so much.

Not much has happened since I've been home.  We drive to the beach about every other day and watch the boats.  Not too many folks on the beach.  The campground here has guests that usually spend a night or two.  So not much bonding going on for us.  We will be leaving Daytona Beach Dec 1 heading to Bella Terra RV Resort in Foley AL.  We will stay there until May 1.  Have cancelled our Montana trip for now.  So not sure what is in store for us after Alabama.  We will be working on that and let you know when we know.  I like to have plans. 

Will share a few pics...internet not the greatest so will only download a bit

Forgot to mention, Tim is doing ok.  Again not where he wants to be.  But working on it.  And me, just fine.  Happy as a bug in a rug!!!

                                                         Check out this awesome face
                                                                     Love you Gus
                                                              Gus and Uncle Danny
                                                             Help me, who is this lady?
                                                                   Sweetie pie Trace
                                                          It took 10 pics to get this one
                                                           Well worth it, Love ya baby
                                                                 Trace's daddy...Nick
                                                       Trace loves playing with vacuums
                                                  This was Nick's when he was Trace's age
                                                     Happy mommas make happy babies
                                                                          Molli and Gus
                                                                     Logan and Luke
                                                         My pops and sister and brothers
                                   I know, not a good photo.  Big brother Joe is behind Danny
                                                   Hopefully someone else has a better one

More to come...
PS...forgot to say Tim is going to Ohio tomorrow to see Charlotte, grandkids and great grandkids

Life is good
God is Love
Nite all

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