Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, Beach Day

Today, I experienced why my dear North Carolina friends go to the beach whenever they can.  I packed up everything I thought was needed to spend the day at the beach. That would be, lotion, water, lip gloss, food, reading glasses, book, camera, did I say food, and most of all, my music.  It took Tim and I both, to carry it all.  And that was just for me.  Tim was not going, he thought.  As it turned out, he had to carry my chair and I packed the bag.  Wow, is all I can say.  I am now hooked.  I loved the whole sand on my oiled up skin, in my eyes, on my cheese and grapes, just everywhere.  There was a terrific breeze all day keeping me almost cool at times.  I could become a beach bummette.  Maybe I will.   I even met a friend named Peter. To complete this awesome day, we had dinner out.  Tim is the greatest.  Why should I be soooo tired, I did nothing but sit most of the day!!
Life is just wonderful...

Everyone, meet Peter
He hung with me all day
as long as my food lasted

This is my perfect spot
for the perfect day 

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