Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday, Mixed Day

I want to start by sharing Tim's condition.  THE BEST DAY SO FAR.  The night was a little ruff.  It took some reading again to put him in lala land.  Whatever it takes.  Waking this morning, he was better than better.  The pain was doable for him.  Mostly came from his cath.  It has sutures on the inside and out that stick him sharply.  He was almost like himself...haven't seen that since the first surgery.

On a not so happy note, actually very sad, my dear sweet friend Lori who I met in the spring of 2012,  and we shared last winter together, had  personal sadness knock her off her feet.  With one phone call, our lives can be changed forever.  Please add her to your prayer list.

The rest of today has been rather calm.  A Walmart trip, 2 loads of laundry, an afternoon walk with Tim and Cleo.  Another walk early evening with Pat and her friend's dog, Sue.  And now here I am chatting with y'all.   Waiting patiently for 10:00 and Scandal's first show of the season. Love that show.

Question for y'all, is anyone out there experiencing an invasion of the STINK BUG?  They are terrible here at the campground.  Tim cannot raise his arms above his head, so guess who has to remove those bad boys when they get inside.  I can't stand it.  But I'm managing.  It's just gross.  Tim read on line that we have two more weeks of them.  I'm not sure how they keep getting in, but they do.   Yuck.....

Guess that's about it for now.  Enjoy your evening.

Life is good
God is love
Nite all

                                           Tim saw this fellow camper washing her coach. 
                                                       And she does have a husband
                                                    Yeah Tim, just don't get any ideas
                            Loved those puffy white clouds in this beautiful Carolina blue sky
                                                                         And again
                                                                   Tonight's sunset
                                                Lacked brilliant color, but still beautiful

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