Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, Great Day

And, a great day it has been already.  Tim woke in a very good place.  Not so much yesterday...very dark day.   A new, wonderful day, today is going to be.  Beginning morning with our coffee, even with pain, Tim was doing so much better than yesterday.   He is resting now and I am back from a long over do morning walk.  Man, I just about gave them up.  I love them, but I somehow let them slip away.  Hopefully I will continue with them.  I receive such joy and contentment from them...looking at all of God's creations.  So peaceful.   Even with all the panting I have to do climbing the two steep hills, love it.  Well, the hills are really just steep inclines...but I see them and my out of shape body sees them as monstrous hills.  Do I sound like a baby or what?  Ok, I'll stop and move on.

Tim's dr appointment Monday, gave him vision.  His cath comes out next Monday.  That will be one step closer reaching the end of this awful ordeal.  He was so excited about that.  Was hoping it to be removed then, but excepted one week longer.  At least he feels like now he has direction toward the final results.

Jacki and Geoff came over Monday for a baked potato and salad dinner.  My kitchen looked like a restaurant bar with containers of toppings for baked potatoes and salad makings.  It was lots of fun.  Love having them.

That was Monday, now for Tuesday.  Not a good day at all, so we will pass it by.  And its Wednesday, hump day and a great day.  I do want to share with y'all a exciting happening for us.  One of Tim's number one places to go and workamp...Key Largo John Pennekamp Coral Reef State  Park.  On Monday, Tim received an e-mailed from them asking us to come April thru June 15, 2014.  Heartbreak, because we are already committed to Bella Terra RV Resort in Foley AL from Dec thru. April, then Virginia City MT June thru Sept 15, 2014.  I will be working a real paying job at a photo shop in Montana.   Tim said we have to hold true to our commentment.  So, he emailed them back explaining the situation plus sharing our strong desire to go to Key Largo.  They answered back with praise for his integrity and they would expect the same if the circumstance was reversed.  So if it is meant to be, we will be offered it again one day.

My internet is fading in and out.  So before I lose this, am going to close so I can post a couple images.

                                 Jacki and Geoff with tummies full from baked potato and salad
                                                                      Aren't they cute

                                     Morning view of Lake Norman during my morning walk
                                        A glance at the northern direction of Lake Norman
                                           A little birdie perched on the corner of the dock
                                          I even spotted some sweet smelling honeysuckle
                                                                growing by the water
                                                     Another awesome view of nature
                                                                       And again
                                                           I do love God's artwork
                                                    On Monday Tim moved the flower pot
                                                  And was surprised by a mass of ant eggs
                                                     They each quickly grabbed an egg
                                                                        Off they went
                          It appeared as though they were heading underneath the table cloth
                                                    But no, actually into the wood itself

                                                        Monday nights beautiful sunset

Have a awesome day everyone
Life is good
God is Love

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