Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Awesome Day

This has been a very great day.  Up early waiting for a beautiful sunrise.  And I wasn't disappointed.  Then a quicky breakfast.  Washed a couple loads of clothes.  Finally caught my laundry up from the balloon fiesta.  Walked the beach.  Tim heard lunch at the casino on Mondays was 1.00 for seniors with a card we were issued on the first day.  Well not true,  but we stayed and sure did enjoy a scrumptious lunch.  It was a buffet and that means eating a lot.  Of course, we did.  We ate soooo much, dinner was a no go.  We just had cheese and chips, small size.

I went back to the beach after lunch and read with my feet floating in the water.  So relaxing.  I sure could be a beach bum.  Oh, maybe I already am.  At least for the next 4 days, or more.  We are sharing this campground with only one other resident.  The weekend, this place was popping.  Guess they all went home.  Fine with me.  I spend most of my time on the beach anyway.

While I was basting in the sun,  my sweet hubby was being Tim and busy washing the jeep and then tackled the coach.  That kept him busy all afternoon.  What a good job he did!

The debate is about to begin.  Gotta go.

                                                           Silver Slipper Campground

Life is good
God is great
Nite all

Come back for my pics, please

Well this crazy thing won't download anymore, sorry!!!

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