Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, On The Road Again

We are sitting in the Walmart Campground/Parking Lot in Elk City, Oklahoma tonight.  We started out this morning in Tucumcari NM, trucking along through Texas.  Had lunch in Amarillo.  Continued east on I-40 across the rest of  Texas ending up here in Elk City.  Tomorrow we are stopping overnight in Oklahoma City.  Tim is going to play tourist for the day.  Will share our with you then.  I am going to try to upload my pics now...wish me luck!!!

                                                Sorry, can't delete this, have better to post

                                           Not sure who this super gooney is, but he is cute
                                                            He is floating in front of me
                                                         He is about to hit the ground

                                                                        Flying high
                                                                    Now he is down
                                            These babies are right over my head, awesome

I think I better continue on another page....come with me

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